Monday, June 15, 2009

Tiger Tiger

Just finished this boy yesterday. He took me awhile to finish, another one that I had to put the eyes in quiet early on.When the bridge on his nose started to feel quite furry and like velvet under my touch, that's when I knew he was coming alive. He is now at the framer's and hopefully the colours for matting and frame we have chosen will do him justice. My framer's Lou and Natalie (husband and wife) are wonderful people, they have looked after me from the start, back in 1993. Whenever I have to get something framed really fast, they always come good, never fail makes a lot of difference when you have that support. Hope you like him? SOLD


  1. Thank you for joining my Blog. I'm new at this also. I love the work you do. Sounds like you live in a wonderful place. Best wishes to you and good luck with your blog and art work. See you on PIL also. Norma

  2. He's wonderful, the fur is beautiful.

  3. Welcome to blogging... You're off to a great start, and are obviously not a beginner in animal portraiture. I've had a look at several of your posts, and love your comments about putting in the eyes.
